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  • Dormitories and Canteens




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Information, orders and contact person

Head of canteen: Lenka Matušková
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 389 034 013 (6:00 - 15:00)
Canteen clerk: Leona Brůžková
Mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone:  389 034 012

Internet registration

In order for the internet to work on your campus, you need to register an internet connection. The prerequisite is that you have a signed accommodation contract.

Internet registration

  • In the room, connect your laptop with a cable to the internet socket.
  • Turn off wifi on your laptop.
  • Go to (you can get there even without Internet registration) and use the link " Přihlášení studentů do ISKAM ".
  • Log in with your login name WITHOUT a "@" and suffix!
  • You will be taken to your ISKAM account. Here in the top bar, expand the item Accommodation and select the item "Request for Internet" from the expanded menu.
  • In the following dialog, click the red "Attempt to load MAC" button. After a while, a group of letters and numbers should appear in the field. Then click the blue "Connection registration" button.
  • If a message about successful registration subsequently appears, wait about 10 minutes and restart the laptop. After the restart, the internet should be fully functional.

What to watch out for!

  • If you move to another dormitory, the internet will stop working.
  • If you change the laptop, the internet will stop working.
  • If you get a wifi router and connect your registered laptop through this router, the internet will stop working.
  • If you have a LAN-USB adapter and change it after registration, the Internet will stop working.

For help, call 735 700 579

New types of desserts

Dear customers, now you can buy new types of desserts at JU Café and AK buffet, 2 of which are gluten-free.

Your KaM

Nové zákusky

Vážení zákazníci, nyní si na JU Café a AK bufetu můžete zakoupit nové druhy zákusků, z nichž jsou 2 druhy bezlepkové.

 Vaše  KaM

Novinka na jídelně Menzy

Vážení strávníci, nyní i u nás v Menze nabízíme

- 100% zdravou a pitnou vodu bez nežádoucích škodlivin s unikátní technologií nanouhlíkové filtrace

- odfiltruje škodliviny a zanechá prospěšné minerály


Dear diners, we now also offer in Menza

- 100% healthy and drinkable water without unwanted pollutants with unique nanocarbon filtration technology

- filters out harmful substances and leaves behind beneficial minerals

Olympiáda dětí a mládeže

V termínu 23.6 - 27.6. 2024 se bude konat Olympiáda dětí a mládeže. Na kolejích JU bude ubytováno 1500 účastníků, kteří se budou stravovat na menze.

V souvislosti s tím, dojde k omezení provozu menzy, o kterém vás budeme informovat.

Vaše KaM


In the period 23.6 - 27.6. The Children and Youth Olympics will be held in 2024. 1,500 participants will be accommodated in the JU dormitories, who will eat at the canteen.
In connection with this, there will be restrictions on the operation of the canteen, which we will inform you about.

Your KaM

Payments for accommodation

University services- Payments for accommodation

The tuition payment for the following month must be credited to ISKAM by the last day of the previous month at the latest.

Payment can be made in the following ways:

In cash (in CZK) or by payment card at the reception of the University of Dormitory.

Through the payment gateway - after logging into the ISKAM system:

  • Payment requirements ==> Pay (payment is credited immediately in ISKAM).
  • Menu Account ==> Accounts ==> Recharge (payment is credited immediately in ISKAM).

By direct debit - orders to collect tuition fees are entered once a month no later than the 14th day of the previous month. It is necessary to establish approval in your bank in favor of account 169492602/0300 and at the same time add your account number in ISKAM and confirm approval for direct debit. Applies only to accommodated students.

 Set the following as optional parameters of the direct debit authorization:

  • recommended limit of CZK 6,500
  • variable symbol NOT REQUIRED
  • due date: 12th of the month

By one-time payment order - to the accommodation provider's account 169492602/0300, VS = the generated number obtained after logging into ISKAM or your full social security number without the slash sign, MUST BE ENTERED, payments without a variable symbol cannot be identified.

Prodej mléka


od 22. dubna 2024 vám nabízíme čerstvé mléko pasterované. Tento produkt je z výroby, kterou zajišťují studenti studijních programů zaměřených na zootechniku a kvalitu produktů v rámci svých prací na Fakultě zemědělské a technologické JU. Mléko můžete zakoupit v 1 litrových nevratných lahvích na bufetu v Akademické knihovně.

Hezký den přejí KaM.



Dear customers,

from April 22, 2024 we offer you fresh pasteurized milk. This product is produced by students of study programs focused on zootechnics and product quality as part of their work at the Faculty of Agriculture and Technology of the JU. You can buy milk in 1 liter non-returnable bottles at the buffet in the Academic Library.

KaM wishes you a nice day.


Koleje a Menzy
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
Studentská 1409/21
370 05 České Budějovice
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
IČ:     60076658
DIČ:  CZ60076658

Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05
České Budějovice
Tel.+420 389 032 191 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
© 2020 University of South Bohemia